30 Years of Winning Results for Our Clients
Our Experienced Lawyers Handle All Aspects of Your Case, and Work Hard to Keep the Process as Stress Free as Possible for You.
30 Years of Winning Results for Our Clients
Our Experienced Lawyers Handle All Aspects of Your Case, and Work Hard to Keep the Process as Stress Free as Possible for You.
Philadelphia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Some Philadelphia and other Pennsylvania attorneys call themselves “motorcycle accident lawyers,” although they have no proven experience or results in this legal specialty. Attorney Gary Brod has been litigating and settling motorcycle cases for more than two decades. He has successfully resolved more than 180 motorcycle cases in various jurisdictions in Pennsylvania, including Berks, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties, as well as nationwide. He takes special pride in representing motorcycle injury accident victims because he is a motorcycle rider himself.
Mr. Brod possesses the unique asset of on-the-road experience in his handling of all motorcycle cases. He understands the mechanics of an accident, motorcycle injuries, and motorcycle law and safety. He’s a lawyer who understands what motorcyclists deal with, and when you speak with him, you’ll see that he treats motorcyclists with the respect, understanding, and attention they deserve.
Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Our Philadelphia-area motorcycle accident lawyers know that the injuries sustained by motorcycle accident clients range in type and severity depending on how the motorcycle and vehicle collided, the speed at which the vehicles were traveling at the time of impact, and the size and make of the vehicles involved. We also understand the unique aspects of motorcycle accident cases, including:
- Pennsylvania laws pertaining to motorcycles
- The frequent jury bias against motorcyclists
- Accident reconstruction
- Motorcycle design and manufacturing issues
- Roadway design problems
If you’ve been in a Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident, our lawyers can give you guidance and represent you in court if appropriate — whether you were the person operating the motorcycle, a second rider, or if you were the driver of the other vehicle in the accident. The serious physical injuries or fatalities that are often the result of a motorcycle accident present significant medical costs, loss of income, and severe emotional distress to the injured and family members. Damages to the motorcycle may also be a major expense. If you’ve been involved in any kind of motorcycle accident, our lawyers will fight hard to achieve a fair and satisfying outcome for your case.
Auto/Truck Drivers and Motorcyclists
Many vehicle drivers don’t pay attention to motorcycles on the road, or they don’t adjust their driving for motorcycles in traffic. The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident lawyers at The Brod Law Firm are quite familiar with the personal injury liability issues surrounding such vehicle or motorcycle collisions. Indeed, in many motorcycle accidents, a distracted or inattentive car, truck, or SUV driver is negligent. Common motorcycle accidents of this kind occur when the car, truck, or SUV driver:
- turns directly in front of an oncoming motorcyclist
- pulls out into traffic in front of a motorcycle
- misinterprets the speed or handling capability of a motorcycle on the road
- at an intersection, fails to yield the right-of-way to a motorcycle rider
- runs through a stop sign or a red light
- never notices the motorcyclist on the street or freeway
- is distracted at the wrong moment, or
- is driving while intoxicated
Motorcyclists who have been injured in a collision with a car, truck, SUV or other vehicle are entitled to compensation if the defendant was negligent.
Auto/Truck Drivers and Motorcyclists
Many vehicle drivers don’t pay attention to motorcycles on the road, or they don’t adjust their driving for motorcycles in traffic. The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident lawyers at The Brod Law Firm are quite familiar with the personal injury liability issues surrounding such vehicle or motorcycle collisions. Indeed, in many motorcycle accidents, a distracted or inattentive car, truck, or SUV driver is negligent. Common motorcycle accidents of this kind occur when the car, truck, or SUV driver:
- turns directly in front of an oncoming motorcyclist
- pulls out into traffic in front of a motorcycle
- misinterprets the speed or handling capability of a motorcycle on the road
- at an intersection, fails to yield the right-of-way to a motorcycle rider
- runs through a stop sign or a red light
- never notices the motorcyclist on the street or freeway
- is distracted at the wrong moment, or
- is driving while intoxicated
Motorcyclists who have been injured in a collision with a car, truck, SUV or other vehicle are entitled to compensation if the defendant was negligent.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
As the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident lawyers at The Brod Law Firm can confirm, motorcycle accidents are not a rare occurrence. In fact, according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), roughly 4,500 motorcyclists were killed in traffic across the United States in 2005, and another 87,000 were injured. In 2005 in Pennsylvania alone, 205 motorcyclists died in traffic accidents.
The NHTSA also reported in 2004 that motorcyclists are 34 times more likely to die and eight times more likely to be injured in a motor vehicle accident compared to occupants of a passenger car, figured per vehicle-mile. Contact the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident lawyers at The Brod Law Firm if you’ve been injured or a family member has been killed in a motorcycle accident — we have the experience and skills to help you at this difficult time. Our attorneys in Reading, Bala Cynwyd, and Philadelphia can help you.
Motorcycle Riding — Advantages and Risks
Motorcycle riding provides an individual with many advantages:
- saving money on gas
- less effect on the environment
- easy parking
- ability to use carpool lanes
- the “wind in your hair” (or helmet) feeling
However, because motorcycle operators are much more exposed than the occupants of cars or trucks, motorcyclists often experience major injuries and fatalities, compared to minor injuries usually sustained by passengers of the cars, SUVs, and trucks that collide with motorcycles.
Moderate motorcycle accident injuries include head, neck, and back injuries, as well as broken bones, cuts and bruises, and other soft-tissue injuries. For motorcyclists, severe injuries are often sustained in the event of a collision, including brain damage, spinal fractures, and internal damage. These types of injuries can be followed by medical, rehabilitation, and home care expenses, loss of income, and disability.
DUI Limits Have Changed
The legal blood alcohol limit for operating a motorcycle or other motor vehicle in Pennsylvania and most states has been reduced — from 1.0 to .08 (g/dL).
It’s not very hard to achieve a blood alcohol limit of .08, so be careful. There is a major nationwide crackdown on driving while under the influence, and the penalties are not pleasant. The penalties are far more severe for motorcyclists than for automobile operators, and they include substantial fines, license suspension, and incarceration.
Note also that the refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test can result in a license suspension. Contact our Reading, Bala Cynwyd, or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania motorcycle accident lawyers to find out more about the consequences of a DUI charge.
Our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident lawyers will advise you of your legal rights, whatever the type of vehicle accident and injury you’ve suffered.
Contact the Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at The Brod Law Firm
Whatever your circumstances, our attorneys can discuss your legal rights and options with you and help you through the insurance and legal processes to achieve the right outcome for you. For the answers to these questions and all of your concerns, contact our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-area motorcycle accident lawyers for a free consultation today, and get back on the road ahead.
Your Road to Justice
Starts Here
If you've been injured and would like to discuss your case with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers please fill out the form below.
Brod Law Firm Contact Form

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7600 Stenton Ave., Suite 1 L
Philadelphia, PA 19118
(215) 247-0255
Bala Cynwyd
11 Bala Ave
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
(610) 228-4246
38 N 6th St
Reading, PA 19601
(610) 375-9009