30 Years of Winning Results for Our Clients
Our Experienced Lawyers Handle All Aspects of Your Case, and Work Hard to Keep the Process as Stress Free as Possible for You.
30 Years of Winning Results for Our Clients
Our Experienced Lawyers Handle All Aspects of Your Case, and Work Hard to Keep the Process as Stress Free as Possible for You.
Philadelphia Defective Medial Device Injury Lawyer
There have been major leaps in the fields of healthcare and law that should ensure the medical devices you use will improve your health, not endanger it. Still, there are defective devices that make their way to the market despite numerous trials, tests, and regulations.
If such a defective medical device has caused you an injury or health complications, you may be able to make a legal claim so you can be compensated for your financial and emotional suffering.
An injury case involving a defective medical device can be highly complex, as it is an intricate combination of legal and medical aspects. Additionally, you may be facing prominent and powerful defendants such as manufacturers, sellers, and medical professionals.
To best handle your case, count on the top-quality lawyers at the Brod Law Firm. We are among Pennsylvania’s most trusted injury attorneys, backed by over 30 years of successful experience. For medical injury cases like yours, we combine our fearless legal skills with supporting evidence and testimonies from our network of medical experts, building a robust case to effectively win what you rightfully deserve.
Let’s talk about your medical device injury or complication. Consult with the Brod Law Firm for free.
Medical Devices Known For Causing Injury
Any faulty device or tool can be injurious, but in particular, these are some of the medical devices that have been found to be defective and injury-causing:
- Bair Hugger warming blanket
- Breast implants
- Defibrillators (pacemakers)
- Drug-coated stents
- Essure birth control
- INFUSE Bone Graft
- IVC filters
- Metal hip replacements/Metal-on-metal hip implants
- Metal knee replacements
- Mirena Intrauterine Device (IUD)
- Power morcellators
- Transvaginal mesh
If you have experienced a health issue after using any of these products or something similar, get yourself checked by a doctor immediately. Many medical device complications can be serious and even life-threatening, and some cases end in a tragic death.
For your injury or for the death of your loved one following the use of a defective medical device, call on the Brod Law Firm. We’ll help you get to the bottom of your case and proceed with the best legal steps to get you compensated.
Types Of Medical Device Defect
There are three categories of product defects that can be recognized in your faulty medical device case:
- Design defect. When there is a flaw in the product design, the items become inherently defective no matter how properly they are manufactured, handled, or used. A design defect usually results in many cases of injuries among users and can lead to a massive product recall. For example, there are warming blankets that electrocute users even when turned on to safe settings.
- Manufacturing defect/Production defect. Sometimes, mistakes occur during the manufacturing, handling, or shipping of the product, resulting in a dangerous condition of a particular item or items. An example is a thermometer with a weak or broken part.
- Marketing defect. “Marketing” in this context refers not just to promotion and advertising, but also to product packaging, labeling, and information. Marketing defects include false advertising, unsuitable packaging, inadequate labeling, and lack of critical instructions. An example would be if the seller of an implant failed to warn the purchaser about potential risks and side effects.
Given these various defects, it is possible that several different parties may be held liable in your medical device injury case. These may include the manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, doctor, or healthcare provider that led you to use the faulty device. To pinpoint all liable parties and fearlessly stand up to them, let the Brod Law Firm investigate and build a case for you.
Act Quickly – Call The Brod Law Firm Today
Injury cases are subject to a law called the statute of limitations, which is the time period within which you may bring your case to court. In Pennsylvania, you generally have two years from the date of your injury to bring up your case; after that time, you may lose your right to file. Thus, it’s important for you to talk to a lawyer as soon as possible.
Talk to us at the Brod Law Firm. We have been proven successful over and over again in Pennsylvania injury cases, obtaining for our clients their maximum compensation and helping them back on track with their lives. This is the result of our decades’ worth of skills and experience, our aggressiveness in facing powerful defendants, and our extensive resources dedicated only to injured persons.
You don’t have to worry about wasting your money with us, as we charge absolutely no lawyer fee unless and until we obtain compensation for you.
Contact us for your free and confidential consultation. Contact the Brod Law Firm online or call our law office today.
Your Road to Justice
Starts Here
If you've been injured and would like to discuss your case with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers please fill out the form below.
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(215) 247-0255
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Reading, PA 19601
(610) 375-9009