When purchasing a car insurance policy in Pennsylvania, you have the option of selecting between full tort insurance or limited tort insurance. Choosing between full or limited tort is one of the most crucial decisions you can make in terms of your car insurance policy, yet many individuals find themselves confused as to the difference between the two.
In the event of an accident, full tort insurance does not only give the policyholder the advantage of making a claim for medical expense reimbursement and lost wages, but also for pain and suffering regardless of how minor the injuries are, so as long as the accident was not his or her fault. With full tort coverage, the policyholder does not need to establish that they sustained a serious injury from the accident before recovering for pain and suffering.
Insurance policyholders with limited tort, on the other hand, are still entitled to obtain compensation for out of pocket medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and other monetary loss. However, they forfeit their right to sue a negligent party for non-monetary damages, including pain and suffering.
Limited tort insurance typically offers the policyholder a small discount on their monthly bill—they are approximately 15% cheaper than their full tort counterparts. As such, some insurance companies encourage individuals to take this option in order to save on their premium. Of course, the savings come at a cost, as you will be giving up your right to file a claim for pain and suffering damages.
The only time limited tort policyholders may opt to sue for non-monetary damages such as pain and suffering is when the case results in permanent serious disfigurement, serious impairment, or death. Otherwise, a limited tort policy holder cannot claim for additional compensation after all medical costs and property damage have been paid.
The type of insurance to purchase ultimately depends on your needs. While limited tort may seem appealing as it immediately saves you more money each month, consider that fact that you will most certainly want to recover for pain and suffering when you find yourself injured in an accident. Saving a few dollars each month may not be enough to outweigh the physical and emotional suffering sustained by your accident. You must consider the amount you’re able to save on your monthly premium versus the damage caused by a potentially harmful car accident. You must also consider that your decision not only affects you, but also your loved ones.
Contact The Brod Law Firm
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident and have concerns about filing a claim, consult with a knowledgeable PA injury attorney as soon as possible.
At the Brod Law Firm have the in-depth experience to handle your injury case. Don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-HELPWIN (888-435-7946) for a free and confidential consultation.